Administrative Committee Opportunities
There are a multitude of opportunities at St. Cecilia Catholic Church whereby you can be a part of the growth and engagement with our community. Some of these areas have been established while others need you to create a presence and solidify the efforts in that respective area.
Raise your hand and step up to help in one or more of the following areas:
Bulletin Committee
Members gather parish news,
upcoming events, and interesting religious articles for inclusion in the
weekly parish bulletin. A monthly expanded edition gives more
opportunities to highlight parish activities and ministries.
Collection Tally Committee
Members helps count, log, and prepare the collections for deposit.
Facilities and Hall Rental Committee
coordinate the use of parish facilities and rental of the parish hall;
and are responsible for complying with all parish, diocesan, city,
county, and state ordinances and regulations.
Facility Maintenance Team
Members maintains the facilities, building, and grounds.
Finance Committee
Canons 532 and 537 Canon Law requires that each parish have a finance
committee. The members possesses a consultative voice and is established
to aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods.
Office Support Team
provide office services such as answering the phone, filing, data
entry, preparing mailings, preparing bulletins, reporting census data,
Publicity, Photography, and Publications Support Team
provide logistical support for the preparation of publicity materials,
parish publications, and an archival photography history of the parish.
Technology Support Team
Members assist the parish in modern communications, networking, and computer technology.
Website Committee
Members of the Web Site Committee assist the web master in collecting, updating, and maintaining the parish web site.

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10