Service Ministries Opportunities
We are called to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ in many ways. In serving in the following areas, our parish community draws closer bringing us together as a true parish "family". Consider the following areas where you might become the hands and feet and voice of Jesus through work in these various ministries or teams.
Bereavement Companions
Members serve those who are grieving following the death of a loved one by offering God’s loving compassion.
Fellowship Teams
provide a continental breakfast, coffee and refreshments, at select
times a variety of breakfast selections, and always a friendly
atmosphere for meeting together after the liturgies.
Funeral Reception
Members provide a light lunch reception for family and friends after funerals.
Hall Kitchen Support Team
Members maintain the commercial kitchen insuring cleanliness and adherence to code standards.

Our kitchen is central to preparing and serving our parish family at various times, including special occasions, regular fellowship, and meals for families and friends of decedents after funerals. You can be a part of supporting these ministries!

Broad view of our social hall. We welcome our parish family and visitors for various functions. You can help by being a part of the various ministries serving our community within these walls.
Homebound Visitors
Visitors share Christ in Scripture and the Holy Eucharist along with news and parish information.
Hospital Visitors
Visitors bring God’s loving presence and share Christ in Scripture and the Eucharist, assuring them of the love and prayers of the community.
Knights of Columbus
The traditional men’s service organization promotes activities that support Faith, Family, Community, and Life.
Lady’s Sodality
The traditional women’s service organization promotes activities that support the parish.
Nursing Home and Assisted Care Visitors
Visitors share Christ in Scripture and the Holy Eucharist. They also share news and information about parish, friends, and anything of interest.
Outreach Ministry
Members provide assistance to people finding themselves in an emergency situation and requiring temporary help to reestablish their ability to be self-sufficient.
Parish Family and Social Gatherings Committee
Members plan and execute the various family-oriented social gatherings of the parish family.
Social Justice Advocacy Ministry
Following the pastoral letters of the United States Catholic Bishops and supported by the diocesan office of Catholic Social Ministry, members of the Social Justice Advocacy Ministry flesh out the theology of service and advocacy with a faith that promotes justice for the poor and powerless of our society, especially the homeless and needy children of Walker County.
Sound Systems
Members maintain parish sound systems and components.
Members provide transportation for parish members who do not drive.
Welcoming Committee
Members contact newly registered parishioners and provide helpful and practical information as wanted and sponsor socials where new parishioners can meet the leadership of the parish and other parishioners.