Liturgical Ministries Opportunities
St. Cecilia Catholic Church offers many opportunities to serve in the Lord's house. You may have a specific talent that can help to enhance worship such as proclaiming the word as Lector or through sung prayer as Cantor or Musician. Consider the following important ministries in the church and prayerfully discern your potential role in each area.
Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild supplement
the work of the sacristans by providing specialized services in the care
of the church, especially in preparation for great church feasts.
Altar Servers
Servers help the full, conscious and active participation of the
faithful in liturgical celebrations by assisting the celebrant at the
altar and helping the faithful pray. Boys and girls are eligible to
serve after they have received their First Communion.
Art & Environment
Members bring the divine to the human world, to the level of the senses and symbol.
A cantor leads the congregation during our weekend and holy day Masses. Requirements include a strong singing voice and a willingness to rehearse music for each liturgy.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Ministers assist the celebrant at mass in the distribution of Holy Communion to other members of the Body of Christ.
Gift Bearers
Prepare the gifts and process them to the altar at the offertory of the mass.

Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Psalm 100:2
Hospitality — Greeters & Ushers
Ministers help the full, conscious and active participation of the faithful in liturgical celebrations by reaching out to others, welcoming them to the celebration of Word and Eucharist, helping them gather together to celebrate, and serving them during the celebration.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at weekday or weekend Masses.
Members including various choir members, cantors, musicians, organists, and pianists help the full, conscious and active participation of the faithful in liturgical celebrations by supporting the faithful in their musical prayer with the Church.
Members are responsible for preparing the church and chapel for masses and liturgical celebrations.