Plans Underway for a Day of Service

Plans are underway to establish our first Day of Service during the Lenten season at St. Cecilia's parish. This effort is being spearheaded by a Renew group as the result of a recent discussion during a sharing session.
In Matthew's Gospel, we are reminded that we are to serve others. Jesus instructed us to feed the hungry, give drink to those who thirst, and welcome strangers. ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.' (Matthew 25:49)
What better way to serve others and to "welcome strangers" than to come together in a day of service to our parish and get to know one another while working for the Lord!
Our plan is to open this effort parish-wide. We invite you to sign up to give of your time and talents to "spiff up" our campus in preparation for our Holy Week and Easter celebrations.
Our date for this event is the Saturday before Palm Sunday, March 23rd.
We will begin that morning at 8:00 a.m. with some breakfast items and a
brief prayer and then set out to accomplish our tasks. Work for as long as you can but we plan on wrapping up in time for the 4:30 p.m. Mass that afternoon. We will take a break for lunch and fellowship (lunch will be provided).
The plan is being drawn up for specific work to be done and you will be given a choice to work either inside or outside. You will be given more specific details as the date draws near.
We invite you to sign up in the Narthex on the form provided. You may also sign up online by completing this form (click here).
We are the hands and feet of Jesus. Through service, we grow. Let's all join in and make this day a great success as we serve and grow in the Lord this Lent!

Through service, we grow ...